You can start your own web hosting business through Reseller Hosting. With Reseller Hosting, you can buy a package and create your own plans, which can be sold to your customers. You can also set your own custom pricing for all the plans that you create. We handle all the back end work so that you can continue to focus on your core business. You can also brand your own nameservers through our Reseller Hosting packages.
How does Reseller Hosting work?
After signup you will be given access to our reseller control panel, WHM (Web Host Manager). WHM will allow you to manage and provide your customers with their own user control panels (cPanel) which will enable them to create and modify their own web sites. Once your customer is logged into cPanel they are able to control sub domains, email addresses, passwords and much more without requiring any assistance! In the event that you encounter any difficulties, we're available 24/7/365 to help.