Uniform Domain-Name Dispute Resolution Policy

The Uniform Domain-Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) has been adopted by ICANN-accredited Registrars in all gTLDs. The UDRP is a policy between a Registrar and its customer and is included in registration agreements for all ICANN-accredited registrars.

Through UDRP, dispute proceedings arising from alleged abusive registrations of domain names (for example, cybersquatting) may be initiated by a holder of trademark rights.

Additional Information

  • Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy -
  • Rules for Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy -
  • List of Approved Dispute-Resolution Service Providers -


  • Complainant: the party initiating a complaint concerning a domain-name registration.
  • ICANN: refers to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
  • Mutual Jurisdiction: a court jurisdiction at the location of either
    • the principal office of the Registrar (provided the domain-name holder has submitted in its Registration Agreement to that jurisdiction for court adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from the use of the domain name), or
    • the domain-name holder's address as shown for the registration of the domain name in Registrar's Whois database at the time the complaint is submitted to the Provider.
  • Panel: an administrative panel appointed by a Provider to decide a complaint concerning a domain-name registration.
  • Panelist: an individual appointed by a Provider to be a member of a Panel.
  • Party: a Complainant or a Respondent.
  • Policy: the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy that is incorporated by reference and made a part of the Registration Agreement.
  • Provider: a dispute-resolution service provider approved by ICANN. A list of such Providers appears at www.icann.org/udrp/approved-providers.htm.
  • Registrar: the entity with which the Respondent has registered a domain name that is the subject of a complaint.
  • Registration Agreement: the agreement between a Registrar and a domain-name holder.
  • Respondent: the holder of a domain-name registration against which a complaint is initiated.
  • Reverse Domain Name Hijacking: using the Policy in bad faith to attempt to deprive a registered domain-name holder of a domain name.
  • Supplemental Rules: the rules adopted by the Provider administering a proceeding to supplement these Rules. Supplemental Rules shall not be inconsistent with the Policy or these Rules and shall cover such topics as fees, word and page limits and guidelines, the means for communicating with the Provider and the Panel, and the form of cover sheets.


Last Update: 2020-05-11 - 17:44pm